Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving to all who read and follow the blog have a safe and fun holiday! !!

Gswpa leader vanessa

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pay it forward. Help others.

As my troop girls help others. Their country and our planet... As a troop leader I vow to do the same....

so last night it was 3 am... the house was sound asleep, i woke to a banging on my door, i thought i was dreaming. I then heard screaming "help me, i need help, i need to call my dad. please let me call my dad, someone help me please" i open my door to find a small young red head covered in mud, dirt and blood.

She had tattoos and piercings, she had just finished college, got a new car and a new job. she had her employers Christmas party last night, she had lost her phone and didn't have a way of calling anyone, she was distraught and confused, she was crying and felt embarrassed for coming to my door.

i let her inside and sat her near my computer, she told me her story. she was driving home, she was mad she lost her phone, she was overly tired, she didn't want to go to the Christmas party but her friends begged her. she was exhausted and just wanted to go home.

As she drove on perry hwy, she went around the bend right infront of my home, she had a foggy window, went to turn the radio station and the last thing she had remembered was spinning out of control, her air bag deployed and smashed her in the face, giving her a bloody nose. she had driving down into a ditch across the street... my house was the only one with outside lights on so she came for help.

We tried calling her parents multiple times with no prevail, i tried looking for my AAA card so i could get her a ride home and a free tow to the next township over where she resides. But, couldnt find my card. so we called the summit township center which then connected us to mill creek for a trooper...

a trooper finally showed with his partner an hour later, as we waited she kept replaying her story in her mind, cryig afraid she was going to wake my babies.

her image is still stuck in my mind, i felt really bad for her...

troopers finally showed and decided they would take her home to her parents. then they called triple A themselves for her car to be towed to the nearest shop in Waterford

i got a call from her parents last night around 430 am... i asked if it was the youngs resident, the man reply'd yes. i told him his daughter was safe but was in a horrifying accident and that she had crawled to my door in the middle of the night, i told him she was on her way home and the car was being towed to waterford. he was very thankful, scared and yet surprised someone heped her.


this morning they finally texted me, sayiing she was doing well, still shaken up but well. and that her car was towed just a few streets from them. they asked if they could do anything for me in return

i said, no need to. it was my pleasure and to just..... pay it forward.

So next time you see someone in need of help. HELP do an unselfish deed. You never know how great one act of kindness can do for a lot of people.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Turkey pinecone

They smell like cinnamon

Tuesdays meeting November 19th

We had a wonderful meeting today

Today we had a new girl register :) her name is bella. We have twin girls registering with us today or ASAP.
The girls were great today, they came in and started coloring , and then we had snack and did the adams family prayer before eating. The girls had their snack and we all made turkeys out of pinecones, googley eyes, foam paper hands and some other fun items, the little turkeys came out so cute. My phone died during the meeting so lindsay will be sending me photos from today! the girls finally got their folders, they earn stickers for returning them every meeting! they earned their third patch today!!!

they made collages and we had some great fun, we did the national anthem and the girlscout law and also ended with the friendship circle and the friendship song

" make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the other gold.a circle is round it has no end thats how long i want to be your friend"

the meeting was awesome and my daughter kylee, came and helped as well, i might register her as a volunteer within the next few meetings she helps. she is under a "probation" period at the moment :)


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Volunteering for junior scouts

I'm a leader for kindergarten and first grade daisies but, yesterday I got to stay with my other daughters junior scout troop. The day consisted of a 2 hour meeting at wegmans. It was fun the girls got to learn how to make an entrée a side and a dessert. And I tried my daughters it was delicious. Since I'm a registered volunteer and leader. I might volunteer with the juniors once In a while the girls are awesome and so are the junior leaders. Here are some photos from yesterday's event :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

troop video fun


girl scout law

The troop

Such an awesome group of excited girls! !

Special Days For Girlscouts

there are certain days that are special to all girl scouts.

February 22
World thining day

The birthday of Robert Baden-Powell. He inspired Daisy to find the idea to start girl scouts in the united states. every year on this day we celebrate friendship and sisterhood with girls in other countries.

March 12
The Girlscout Birthday

on this day in 1912, 
the first 18 girls gathered to hold their first meeting as 
Girl Scouts in the United States.

Girl Scout Week

Girl Scout week is the week march 12 falls in. 
If your family belongs o a place of worship, 
you may also decide to wear your uniform 
on Girlscout sunday or girl scout sabbath.

April 22
Girl Scout Volunteer Day

This is a day when you can say thank 
you to your girlscout adults for all they do 
for you you may wan to make a 
card and sing a song.

Ocober 31
Founders Day

this is daisy's birthday!
every year, Girl scouts celebrate
with partie and pecial projects to help others.     

How Girl Scouts got started

Girl Scouting was started by a woman named Juliette Gordon Low. When she was just a baby, her uncle said she was going to be a daisy.
Her family started calling her daisy, and that became her nickname. Year later, Girl scout Daisies were named after her.

When Daisy was a girl, she liked to climb trees and swing on vines. she loved all kinds of animals. She even had a pet rabbit! And she always had a lot of fun, And when she grew up, she wanted other girls to have fun too. That's why she started Girl Scouts.

Now there are girl scouts all over the world!

Juliette Gordon Low Biography
Founder of Girl Scouts of the USA

Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts of the USA, was born Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon on October 31, 1860, in Savannah, Georgia.
"Daisy," as she was affectionately called by family and friends, was the second of six children of William Washington Gordon and Eleanor Kinzie Gordon. Family members on her father's side were early settlers in Georgia, and her mother's family played an important role in the founding of Chicago, Illinois.
A sensitive and talented youngster, Daisy Gordon spent a happy childhood in her large Savannah home, which was purchased and restored by Girl Scouts of the USA in 1953. Now known as the Juliette Gordon Low Girl Scout National Center, or often referred to as the Birthplace, the handsome English Regency house was designated a registered National Historic Landmark in 1965.
Young Daisy Gordon developed what was to become a lifetime interest in the arts. She wrote poems; sketched, wrote and acted in plays; and later became a skilled painter and sculptor. She had many pets throughout her life and was particularly fond of exotic birds, Georgia mockingbirds, and dogs. Daisy was also known for her great sense of humor.
Juliette Low was very athletic. From her childhood on, Daisy was a strong swimmer. She was Captain of a rowing team as a girl and learned to canoe as an adult. She was also an avid tennis player. One of her special skills was standing on her head. She stood on her head every year on her birthday to prove she still could do it, and also celebrated nieces' and nephews' birthdays by standing on her head. Once, she even stood on her head in the board room at National Headquarters to show off the new Girl Scout shoes.